What’s New for 2018?
We use the off-season to make sure the Tyler Place is in tip-top shape to welcome families & friends for the fun-packed summer months. Here’s an A – Z list of updates, new purchases, and improvements we’re working on for 2018.
A is for Air Conditioning — We have purchased new air conditioning units for the Dining Room, the Inn Lobby, as well as some of the cottages.
B is for Bikes — 30 new Sun bicycles for adults and teens have been added to the Tyler Place Bike Shed.
C is for Cocktails — Happy hour at the Bar will feature new cocktails from Hector with the help of two new coolers, shiny new glassware, and a new ice machine.
D is for Dining Rooms — We have installed carpeting and updated the décor and linens in the Lakeside Dining Room, and are working on adding new hardwood flooring to sections of the Main Dining Room. The Clubhouse and Playhouse have new dining chairs. We have also replaced the booths in the Senior Dining Room with Farmhouse tables and chairs.
E is for Equipment — Equipment for the kitchen, the pools and splash pad, and equipment for the waterfront has all been updated for the season.
F is for Foot-to-Floor Toys — New ride-on cars and trucks for toddlers are an active and fun option for the smallest of Tyler Place guests.
G is for Gardens and Greenhouses — Claudia has been busy managing and growing the Tyler Place gardens. There are now two new greenhouses on the property, as well.
H is for Hobie — Two New Wave Hobie Catamarans, six new 12’ Hobie Eclipse Peddle Boards, and eight new Bic Paddle Boards have been added to the waterfront fleet.
I is for Imagination Playground Blocks — BIG BLUE building blocks can be used to build castles, forts, and obstacle courses both inside the Playhouse, and outside in the yard.
J is for Jon — We have a brand-new Children’s Program Director who will bring fresh ideas, new activities, and a lot of positive energy to the Tyler Place this year. Jon, who worked as a Tyler Place counselor for two summers ten years ago, recently moved to Vermont from Iowa with his wife, Brie. Originally from “across the pond,” Jon has extensive experience as a Camp Director and worked with many families.
K is for the Kitchen — We’ve purchased new equipment and gear to help the kitchen staff feed guests more efficiently; a new ice machine, platters, bowls, and display pieces for the buffet, a new Kitchen Aide mixer for our baker, an authentic Mexican molcajete for guacamole, two new panini presses, and even a chocolate fountain. The Clubhouse has a newly renovated kitchen, too.
L is for a Living Willow Tunnel — Planned for an April installation, the Living Willow Tunnel will be the new entryway to the Playhouse Playground, twisting and growing thicker as the years go by.
M is for Maintenance — Our 11-person maintenance team, led by Dale (our resident William Tell) has been working on many projects that ensure accommodations and public spaces will be ready for the season.
N is for Nine Square in the Air — You’re all familiar with the game Four Square, played by bouncing a ball between drawn boxes on the ground, right? Well, add five squares and flip the squares into the air for an active twist on a playground classic.
O is for Outdoor Arches — We have a new portable refrigeration unit for the to-go bar at the Arches, in addition to a new tent for protection from the elements.
P is for Playhouse Playground Extension — We’ve extended the Playhouse Playground as far as the Gnome Garden, and added new fencing around the perimeter.
Q is for Questionnaires — Most of the items on this A – Z list came from your suggestions and requests from last year. Thank you for all of your feedback, and help in making the Tyler Place better, year after year.
R is for Reading — Close to 450 new books have been purchased and will be found in the Children’s’ programs, tucked into cottage bookshelves, and as resources in the gardens & greenhouses.
S is for Summit Express — Swim out to the new inflatable Summit Express climbing wall in the bay.
T is for Toys & Crafts — New toys and craft supplies include Keva Planks for constructing model buildings, Kinderfeet bicycles and tricycles for the kiddos, and Tie-Dye supplies for a creative activity for kids and adults, too.
U is for Utilities — Guests often request additional lighting on the paths, and this year we’ve done it. More lighting has been added to the walking and bike paths near Ferncroft and the Point Cottages.
V is for Vehicles — The Tyler Place van needs some body work! We also purchased a shiny new Ford Escape for the Housekeeping crew, a Ford F-150 pickup truck, and a Ford F-350 Dump Truck for the Maintenance team.
W is for the Walking and Bike Path — We have created a brand-new bike and walking path from the Arts & Crafts Center to the Gift Shop, so it is completely off the road.
X is for more eXtras than you can imagine — The assorted list of new supplies and items is, as always, seemingly endless: curtains, wicker furniture, Indoor Pool furnishings, new countertops, new doors, etc. etc.
Y is for Young Adults — Now named for clarification “Post-Group Teens”! While this is not a supervised group, we do recognize that older high school students are interested in connecting with their Tyler Place friends to take advantage of all of the fun adult activities — except the cocktails!
Z is for ZZZs — You’re going to sleep well with new bedding and linens stocked in some of the accommodations.