The Duckman Triathlon
Our weekly Tyler Place Duckman Triathlon consists of a .33-mile swim (or kayak, for our non-swimmers) to Bandstand Island, an 8.8-mile bike through Vermont farmlands, and a 1.4-mile run through the resort. Guests of all ages dive into the lake in hopes of achieving Tyler Place honor & glory, earning a rubber duck keychain prize, and securing bragging rights for the remainder of the week. All ages and abilities are welcome to participate, and relay teams are encouraged!
The race originated as a friendly competition between guest families during Cecile and George (AKA “Jigger”) Harrington’s week 25 years ago. As word spread, interest grew as other guests wanted in on the action. Eventually, the race’s popularity caught wind in other weeks, and it quickly became an official resort-wide event on the entertainment schedule for the whole summer.
With friends and family crowding around the observatory decks overlooking the lake, athletes make their way to the swimming dock where the race will begin. A brisk swim invigorates the body and wakes up the biking and running muscles. Swimmers usually have to dodge the water trampolines, slides, and the random paddle-boarder on their way to the island. Lifeguards aboard safety kayaks monitor the swimmers as they make their way to Bandstand Island. Originally, swimmers looped around the island and swam back to the dock. The race was changed so swimmers raced to a marker buoy after realizing that sending swimmers around the island cut them off from view. After reaching the buoy, competitors turn around and make their way back to the dock for the next couple of legs of the race.

Next up the swimmers (or their relay teammates) strap on their helmets and pound the pavement on bicycles. Their 8.8-mile route leads them out of the resort, through (thankfully) flat dairy fields to our neighboring town of Swanton where they “about face” and return to the resort. Finally they reach the last leg of the triathlon, a scenic 1.4-mile running tour of The Tyler Place. Racers zoom by cottages, the indoor and outdoor pool, lake views, forests, playgrounds, and down Old Dock Road to break the tape at the finish line (made out of the best-quality, softest two-ply toilet paper).
Later on at cocktail hour, you’ll see the adult Duckman participants proudly sporting their bib number and showing off their rubber duck prize. Some families compete as a relay team, and children as young as 5 have competed. Occasionally, a spirited grandparent will even compete. Want to be part of the friendly competition this summer? Start training soon to be ready for the 2019 Duckman!